If men were to be set free of society in a fertile land with little competition for resources some theorize that we would remain noble savages. We would care for the land and develop small peaceful villages. This is a summarization of the theories of Jean-Jacques Rousseau who developed these thoughts after observing a peaceful mountain village in the swiss alps.
As that natural state of peace is not a reality as soon as we are born we also begin to compete for resources. We are both sentient man and a part of the unfathomably unappreciable life system of the planet which is in constant competition for resources. Life is the war of all against all.
Bellum Ominum Contra Ominus
A man alone in nature who is not bound to any group is free to do all that he can to survive, there are no laws only strength and intelligence matter. Once a man joins a group he commits to a social contract which all members of the group must abide by or face penalties. This concept is the starting point for a society ruled by law.
Once man has entered into the social contract he is now faced with a new set of dangers. Aside from the obvious crimes of theft or various embodiments of assault there are more subtle threats. The Slave owner, the bureaucrat and the bleeding heart. The slave owner takes advantage of desperate men and forces them into servitude in order to improve their own position in life. The Bureaucrat creates monopolies which enslave men by removing the choices they have in life they can be as simple as owning all of the grocery stores in town and decreasing the quality of products to the points that they are dangerous to peoples health to complicated monopolies that control the media, medical and education institutions and the supply chain of a society. Finally the bleeding heart who embodies the concept of forced charity and demands that a groups collective funds be used to help their private causes, effectively stealing from others to support the ones they see as best fit for the support.
All of these enemies fight in small increments or a death of a thousand cuts.
In contrast to the noble savage Thomas Hobbes man is a creature who will break the social contract at every opportunity where the reward outweighs the risks. This feature of human nature forces society to summon the leviathan. The leviathan is the gestalt sum of all of the forces of society which can bring an individual member to justice. This could be the government, religious institution, a strong family structure or any similar organization.
The Leviathan must be strong enough to enforce the social contract and observant enough to notice infractions no matter the strength or subtlety. This is the final threat to mankind where he becomes his worst enemy. Governments will begin to imprison dissenting voices. Medical institutions will experiment on the susceptible members of society or harvest organs from the deplored members. Long standing social institutions will create caste systems to marginalize entire portions of the population. Industrial institutions will import indebted foreign labor or slaves to replace workers unions. This enemy is the hardest to fight because the institutions that had been granted the role of leviathan now become the oppressors. The leviathan is now a threat to its own society and those around it.
The social contract must contain within it a system of negative feedback or checks and balances in order to keep the Leviathan under control.
The core of the deplorable philosophy is that responsibility for ones own actions lies in each mans own heart. In addition to being responsible for his own actions a man is responsible for his part to keep the Leviathan in check.
This idea is represented symbolically in the deplorable logo. This logo is inspired by the experiences and work of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn who survived and documented the Soviet Gulags.
"If only it were so simple! if only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being and who is willing to destroy a piece of this own heart?"
~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Just as the Leviathan must be kept in check by negative feedback in the social contract so must every man keep himself in check through the practice of discipline. This logo represents the thin red line that runs through the heart of every man. The thin red line separates the good in a mans hearts from the evil. It is within each one of us and that is why evil can never be removed from this world.
To speak of good and evil carelessly is dangerous and so continuous study of these concepts is needed.
Technology and Automation have done more to relieve mankind of daily infringements on his freedom than any form of government has dreamed of.
Many of the most powerful people in the world have personal body guards and security systems to protect those they love. Our goal is to automate the security so that every citizen of a country who has entered the social contract can defend them selves from a corrupt government or invading men who have entered their country but have not accepted the social contract.
A nation must display strength to protect itself from other nations.
So must men display strength to defend itself from his nation.
A man must also abide by the laws of his nation so that the carrying out of daily tasks is efficient for all, allowing the nation to thrive.
Therefore to maximize security and equality for the citizens of a nation as well as the strength of a nations its federal level of government must create and enforce only the most basic laws that all citizens will agree upon.
As the size and power of the governing bodies shrink there laws can become more specific to the citizens and environment they govern.
Finally A man must have his own property and livelihood over which he has ultimate sovereignty. In this micro nation of his he can decide on and enforce the most nuanced and controversial laws on his own property.
This micro nation must also be defendable to the level that a citizen can protect himself from the next highest level of government. For example a man must be able to defend himself from a corrupt city government. A city must be able to defend itself from a corrupt county and so on. This creates a system of negative feedback such that all levels of government will be unable to encroach upon the rights of the citizens they govern.
Freedom and the rule of law may seem to be contradictory terms. The only freedom that exists is that to change the laws.
Deplorables believe that governments must fear its constituents.
All of these ideas are just inconsequential patterns carved into an animals brain unless they are carried out.
None of the ideas are my own. They are a hasty undignified imprecise summarization of the ideas from others men. To get a more thorough understanding of the concepts above I invite you to consider reading the following texts:
"The code of Hammurabi" Hammurabi 𒄩𒄠𒈬𒊏𒁉 ~ 1750 BC
"On Justice Power and Human Nature" Thucydides ~ 431 BC
"The Meditations" Marcus Aurelius ~ 167 AD
"Leviathan" Thomas Hobbes ~ 1651 AD
"The Social Contract" Jean-Jacques Rousseau ~ 1762
"Economic Sophisms and the candlemakers' petition" Frederic Bastiat ~1850